Definition of rejoice

Rejoice – Do you know the WHO in your day?

Deuteronomy 31:8 is a great verse to start your day with and get into the rejoicing mode.  It says “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

And again in Philippians 4 Paul tells us to “rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!”
How do we do that?

The key is what I learned from one of my professors at Bartlesville Wesleyan College; Dr. Weeter shared in a message “The how and the why do not matter if you know the WHO!”  That is so true.  If we know who we serve than the hows and whys of this world should not keep us from rejoicing.

Rejoicing is not an emotional outburst but more an outpouring of joy that comes from withing because we know Who’s we are and Who is in control.  We can continue to rejoice in the Lord through the trials of this world (because we will always have trials) when we focus outside of this world.

Look up some of these great men of the Bible who had great suffering but were still able to rejoice:

David throughout the Psalms
Paul in Prison

Then think about what you can rejoice about today, even if it is not about circumstances but about the God who is in control of your life.