Category Archives: Pastor’s Wives

New Year Focus

Woman on sand medicating

As 2023 gets moving along, I have tried to think of what my focus is going to be.  My new book will be coming out soon which focuses on how the Holy Spirit can help us become more than we ever thought we could be. So, as that is the exciting new thing happening this year, I think my focus will go along with that.

I want to focus on the Holy Spirit's power in my life and the lives of those I come in contact with.  I am meant to be a might warrior with the power of the Holy Spirit.  I am meant to be a compassionate care giver with the power of the Holy Spirit.  I am meant to love those who seem to be unlovable by the power of the Holy Spirit.  I am meant to become more for the Kingdom of God with the Holy Spirits power flowing through me.

Am I ready for that experience?  It seems scary but I have seen the Holy Spirit work in my life for many years and he is never something to be afraid of.  He is someone who loves me and wants the best for me.  What more could I ask for.  I am ready for a new year asking God to help me allow the Holy Spirit do his work in me and through me. Are you?

Paint by Number

Painting a picture requires vision, patience and time.  I have just completed a paint by number painting and learned this first hand.  When I started working on the painting, I did one color at a time, trying to find each small piece that had the specific number in it.  As I started to get the project completed, I began to pick a section of the painting to complete the different numbers in the area.  I was getting inpatient at not seeing the picture forming.  As I tried to speed up my desire to see picture emerge, I realized it was taking much longer.  Cleaning my brush between each small piece and finding the right color number made the process much longer.  I switched back to one color at a time.  

As I thought about this, I became aware of how God pieces together our lives.  He works in so many different areas to create a beautiful picture of our life.  It may not seem like it is the right timing or the area we think needs to be fixed but God know the colors to work with at the right moment.  The coming together may take time for us to see but the picture he is creating is guaranteed to be the best possible painting from the colors of our lives.  Understanding God has our best as his goal, patience and seeking his will will lead to an amazing outcome. 

Paint by Number


As I have been teaching the Spiritual Disciplines on Facebook Live with my Enneagram friends, I have wanted to share some ideas of how I stay focused in my prayer time. I have found, that the more I pray, the easier it is to just talk with God. But there are times when I am at a loss of what to pray for and I often forget to give God praise for answering prayers that I have lifted up to Him. I have two tools that help me in these times. The first is a set of prayer cards that give me guidance when I am flighty or unfocused during my prayer time. The second is a prayer journal page that helps me keep track of God’s amazing answers to prayers I have written here. Feel free to use these if they can help you on your journey.

Download the set of prayer cards and a prayer journal page here and use however you would like.


As I am on my journey of self discovery (finally at age 50), I am learning how much I base my value on what I do.  It is hard for me to comprehend someone loving me just for me.  I feel like I have to do something to earn love and when I translate that to my Christian faith I always feel like a failure.  I am coming to understand more and more that God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL.   That means I do not earn it.  My head has always known this but I have not really lived that way.  Devotions, prayer, church, good deed all seemed, in my mind, to be ways of making myself worthy in God’s eyes. 

What is coming to light this year is that devotions, prayer, attending church and good deeds are ways that I connect with God.  I am still unworthy except for the advocate Jesus that washes away my sin and makes a way for me to approach the throne of grace.  Jesus makes me worthy and all the other stuff I DO should be out of love and relationship. 

I think the church has taught me that being a good Christians means to follow all the rules and do the right things.  Instead I think it should be teaching all the sources of connection available to us. 


I was taught that devotions were what good Christians did.  I think a better wording would be that as a Child of God he wants to talk to me everyday through His word.  It is not because I am good that I read the Bible, it is because God wants to connect with me and that one way He provided for that is through His word. 


As I have struggled to have a concentrated one hour prayer time each week, I have learned that prayer is not what I do because I am a good Christian.  Prayer is talking out my struggles, my questions, my unbelief with the God of the Universe who cares about those things in my life.  He wants me to cry, to yell, to be quiet, to feel the need to let it all hang out.  He knows it all any way and we try, instead, to be dignified in prayer.  If we follow Jesus’ example, he did not pray dignified prayers. He weep, he fasted, he sweat.  Do we put that much energy into the things we are asking God for?  Are we asking things so big that they make us sweat?  Are we asking for things that are so close to our emotions that we weep?  I hope the answer is yes, but I hear far to many Christians say their prayer time is in the car, or random prayers throughout the day.  There is a place for quick, anytime praying but there should be a place for those heart wrenching prayers when we get to the real heart of the matter.

Church Attendance

For many has become a social club mindset.  We go there to catch up with friends, to sing, and to hear what the pastor has to say but most of us do this out of obligation or duty.  When I hear people say they didn’t like this or that about a service, I wonder if they came for the right reason.  Did you come to connect with God and with other believers?  If so, unless the pastor and worship was not biblical, you should be able to connect.  It is not about making you happy.  It is about connection. 

Ask yourself if you are trying to find the love of God by doing something or by really knowing the He loves you and then just connect with Him in different ways to see how that love can change your life.

Leading Ladies

I have been struggling with how to write this blog for a while now.  I want you to know that I have nothing against women in leadership, women pastor’s and women teaching men.  However, I do have something against some of the attitudes our women leaders have.  As I have studied the bible and looked at women leaders there, they never demanded followers.  They did not expect respect as a leader because they were a woman.  They just did what God asked them to do and people took notice.  Deborah was not up in leadership because she was a woman but because she was just and righteous.  God put her in position, she did not put herself there.  She was strong, courageous and bold but knew who was really in control.

Men could not demand to be a leader either.  No one will willingly follow someone just because they say they are a leader.  They must display leadership, show respect to everyone and be just.  I know many wonderful women who are teaching classes, preaching sermons and serving in the ministry.  Those women are not talking about their right to be a leader, they are just leading and people take notice.

The women’s movement in America is creeping into the church.  Who of us has any right to lead or be in control?  What rights does Christ say that we have?  Our command is to follow Him, serve Him and obey what he calls us to do.  He will do the rest.  If you, as a woman, are called by God to lead (just as any man called by God to lead), you must still take up your cross daily and follow Him.  People will notice your God given abilities, you do not need to point them out.  Leaders that demand a following are missing the point.  We are called to lead people to follow Christ, not ourselves.

It is hard to follow someone who is tooting their own horn, someone who says I need to follow them because of their gender, whether male or female, or someone who demands my respect instead of earning it.  Please, follow that path that God has laid before you but do it in a way that leads people to Christ.  It will help all of us see each other’s strengths and come along side each other to reach the world for Christ.

I also realize that some women’s “demand” for leadership is a way for them to hide the insecurity they feel in being qualified to do what God has called them to do.  If this is the case for you, remember whose you are!  God never asked us to do anything by ourselves.  We have the all powerful, all knowing God with us and in us.  He can do more than we can imagine through us if we allow it to flow.  Don’t force it but let God use the abilities, personalities and experiences of your life to bring more people to Him.  He is more than enough.


Purpose – What was God thinking?

In July 1992, I was nine months pregnant with our first son, my husband was graduating from college and we had our first call to a church.  My life was going just as expected.  Ever notice when you feel that way, God has a way of saying “I’m the one in charge, not you?”
Well, two weeks before our son was born and we were to move to our new church, we got a call “The church is closed.  You are still welcome to come and help in a restart but there is no longer a congregation here.”  WOW!  I was a wreck.  What was the purpose in all this? I am so glad God has given me a level-headed husband.  He prayed and said, “I know God called us there so this does not change our plan.”  Well, long story short, what we thought was going to be our first ministry as assistant pastor became a two year growing time for God to shape us into a couple dependent on Him alone and to teach us many lessons in contentment and prayer.
To this day I look at that time as the greatest spiritual growth and faith building experience of my life.
Is purpose any different than calling?  Absolutely!  God called us to a church that didn’t exist for a purpose totally different than what we were expecting.  We had to follow God’s calling and did not know His purpose until years later.
Acts 5: 38-39 says
“…if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.
But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men;
you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”
God calls us to do certain things that seem to have no purpose, but by following God’s plan and striving to please him we’ll begin to see the purpose in our lives.We must live each day asking God to show us how to draw closer to Him TODAY.  Some days it may be keeping our mouths shut, another day may include speaking out against a wrong.  The only way we know what His purpose is in our lives is by being close enough to God to hear Him give us direction.

Path – Who are you walking with?

I have heard so many sermons about choosing the right path, leading others to the right path, how to get back on the right path but this week during prayer at a church we were visiting I distinctly heard God ask me another question I had not thought about before.
“Are you willing to walk with someone on their path to Me instead of just showing them the path to Me?”

I have learned a lot about evangelism and have talked with people about my faith and how they can take steps to be closer to God, but I haven’t really been willing to get down in the mud with those who are on the wrong path and walk with them until they find the path to God.  I am still processing what God has planned for me in this, but I do know that I have to take another look at what I am willing to do to reach people who are lost.

Paul states it well in I Corinthians 9:19-23

“19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.”

It is never easy to walk with someone through their struggles, but the reward is so great when I can see the miracle God does in a life.  Instead of looking down on the alcoholic, the stripper, the homeless, the unlovely, I want to be able to come along side them, love them and share with them what God can do; THEN take it one step further and walk with them as they discover that.  I do not believe God wants me to just be the one willing to tell them (which I need to do), but to be a guide and a friend along the journey, however long that journey is.

I want to be willing to be the “slave” to the weak, the oppressed and the outcasts in our society.  Who else will?